The Role of Macros in Weight Loss: Trusting the Science

9 min readJun 27, 2024


Weight loss is that thing we now associate with the super sexy “Fitfluencers” we see all over Instagram and TikTok, and most often, we hear about new diets, workout plans, and supplements that promise magical, out-of-this-world results.

Image courtesy of OpenAI and Adobe Photoshop and Me

Truthfully, if you really want to understand what fuels your body and how to lose weight effectively, you’ll need to wrap your mind around some of the science of macronutrients, or macros for short. These nutrients provide calories or energy and are crucial in determining how our bodies function, perform, and ultimately, get rid of them extra pounds.

It’s not essential to go all in on the information. You don’t have to learn everything unless you really want to. Just know that it’s okay to have a basic understanding of what I’m blabbering about; you can still lose weight (or just get a little healthier, depending on your goals).

So, let’s start by breaking down the role of macros in weight loss and see why trusting the science can make all the difference.

What Are Macros, Anyway?

First things first, what are macronutrients?

Macros are nutrients that our bodies need in large amounts to function correctly. They are divided into three main categories: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Fibre should technically also be on this list (much to some people’s disgust — I’m talking to you carnivore dieters out there), but it’s not a macronutrient in the same way the others are. It’s just going to confuse things, so we’ll focus on the big three for now.

Each of them plays a unique role in our health and weight management:

Carbohydrates are often labelled as the body’s primary energy source. They are very “helpful” for powering through your daily activities and workouts. They break down into glucose, which fuels our brains and muscles. Think of them as the fuel in your car — without them, you’re not going far!

I am not going to get into ketones and ketosis today, so you Keto-stars can just sit right back down. I have an entire post about the ketogenic diet coming up at some point in the future.

Anyway,…on with the show!

Proteins: These are the building blocks of our muscles, tissues, and cells. Proteins are essential for repair and growth, especially after those hard, heavy gym sessions. For satiation purposes, they help keep you feeling full for longer, which is a massive bonus when you’re trying to cut calories. We’ll get into the reasons for this shortly…keep reading!

Fats: Contrary to the uninformed, old-school belief that fat makes you fat, healthy fats are absolutely vital for hormone production, cell structure, and overall health. They also provide a slow-burning energy source and help keep you satiated. Do you still think it’s a good idea to cut fat out of your diet altogether?

Why Macros Matter for Weight Loss

Understanding macros and how they impact your body drastically redesigns your weight-loss approach. It’s no longer just about cutting calories; it’s about getting the right balance of these nutrients that will move you towards your goals. Isn’t that what we’re going for?

Carbs for Energy: While low-carb diets are super-popular, completely cutting out carbs can leave you feeling sluggish and irritable — like a sloth with dandruff…because sloths are slow and dandruff is uncomfortable. Instead of completely cutting them out, try to focus on complex carbs like whole grains, vegetables, and legumes. These provide you with sustained energy and keep your blood sugar levels relatively stable, helping you avoid those mid-afternoon energy crashes.

If you’re interested, I have already written a post about carbs, which you can find here.

Protein for Satiety and Muscle Maintenance: Increasing your protein intake can help you preserve lean muscle mass while losing fat. If you are trying to lose weight, you are, in all probability, looking to actually lose fat. You don’t want to lose muscle at the same time.

Muscle burns more calories at rest than fat, so maintaining muscle mass is critical to a higher metabolism. As mentioned earlier, protein’s ability to keep you full longer will help you cut down on those pesky little snack attacks. I have a post about protein that you might be interested in if you want a little bit more information, and you can find that here.

Fats for Hormone Health: Healthy fats are necessary for hormone regulation, which can have a decidedly negative impact on your weight loss. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts, are particularly beneficial. They support brain health, reduce inflammation, and help to regulate your metabolism. I have a post all about fat that you can check out if you want a little bit more information — here.

Finding Your Macro Balance

The key to using macros for weight loss is finding the right balance that works for your body and lifestyle. This balance can vary from person to person, but a common starting point is the macro ratio: 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fat. This can and should be adjusted based on how your body responds and your specific goals.

  • Tracking Macros: One effective way to ensure you’re hitting your macro targets is to track your food intake. Numerous apps are available that make it easy to log your meals and see your macro breakdown. It might feel tedious initially, but it’s a massively powerful tool for learning about your eating habits and making informed adjustments. I am a fan of Fat Secret and MacrosFirst.
  • Listening to Your Body: While the science of macros is instrumental, it’s also vitally important to listen to your body. Pay attention to how different foods make you feel and adjust accordingly. If you find you have more energy with a bit more carbs or feel fuller with higher protein, tweak your intake to match. Intuitive eating requires practice, but most importantly, it requires mindfulness and patience. I have a post about eating mindfully that you can find here.

Finding your macro balance isn’t the only balance you will need to consider though. When it comes to weight loss, the most critical thing you need to understand is “Energy Balance”.

Energy Balance

It’s no coincidence that my business is called what it is. Energy balance is the actual “magic formula” behind weight loss, and essentially, it all boils down to the relationship between your consumed calories and the calories you burn.

Think of it like a budget for your body: to lose weight, you must spend more calories than you take in. You’re creating a calorie deficit, meaning you consume less calories than your body requires for energy.

This calorie deficit forces your body to dip into its fat reserves for energy, resulting in weight loss.

Understanding and managing your energy balance is crucial because it allows you to make informed decisions about your diet and activity levels.

It’s not just about eating less; it’s about finding the right balance, the “sweet spot,” that lets you lose weight healthily and sustainably.

Balancing energy intake and expenditure involves being smart about both sides of the equation: intake and expenditure.

On the intake side, being mindful of the quality and quantity of the foods you eat can help you control calorie consumption without feeling deprived. So, basically, it’s a good idea to fill your plate with nutrient-dense foods that keep you satisfied and energised.

On the expenditure side, regular physical activity can ramp up the calories you burn, creating a more significant calorie deficit. Whether it’s a brisk walk or a challenging workout session, moving more helps you reach your goals faster. It’s also the thing that people bitch about the most when they’re being told how to lose weight. Most people just want the quick fix. Unfortunately for them, it’s the lame, boring stuff that will have the most bang for their buck.

By paying attention to both diet and exercise, you create a comprehensive, balanced approach to losing weight that not only helps you drop pounds but also boosts your overall health and well-being. Most people aren’t even considering this when they’re looking to lose weight, but it is probably more beneficial than the aesthetic effects of fat loss.

Understanding and embracing the concept of energy balance gives you the power to take charge of your weight loss journey with confidence and perhaps a bit of flair…but that’s entirely up to you!

This leads me to the concept of “Macro Counting”. It’s a practice that is surprisingly divisive. I’m not going to discuss its merits here, nor will I try to convince anyone that it’s the best or only way to lose weight (even if it is…for me). But I think that for those who don’t know how to go about it and are interested, a basic idea of how to get started might be helpful, so…

Basic Macro Counting

So, how do you start counting macros? It’s simpler than you might think. Here’s a very basic guide to get you started:

Calculate Your Daily Caloric Needs: Use an online calculator to determine your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). This number represents the total calories you need to maintain your current weight. You don’t have to be precious about which one you use. They are all just a good starting point. You can start with the info they provide and then adjust as needed. I found that this one provides some decent information to help get you started.

Determine Your Macro Ratios: Based on your goals, set a ratio for carbs, protein, and fats. As mentioned earlier, a common starting point for weight loss is 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fat. Adjust these ratios based on how your body responds and, obviously, your goals.

Track Your Intake: Use a food tracking app to log everything you eat and drink. These apps can help you see how much of each macro you’re consuming and whether you’re hitting your targets. I’m willing to bet that if you’ve never tracked your calories before, you will be massively surprised and somewhat depressed by how much a single serving of peanut butter or ice cream actually is and how many calories are involved.

And that’s that. Now go give it a try…or don’t; that’s up to you.

Three Tips for Successful Macro Counting

Plan Ahead: Preparing your meals and snacks in advance can make sticking to your macro goals easier. Batch cooking and portioning out your meals can save time and reduce the temptation to stray from your plan. Meal prep is an absolute weight loss game changer and I have a post about it to help you get going — here.

Be Flexible: While aiming for your macro targets is important, don’t stress if you’re not perfect every day. Your body won’t derail from one off day. Just try not to let too many “imperfect” days go by. I would say it’s a good idea to aim to not have two days in a row. Focus on consistency over time rather than daily perfection. The main thing is to remember to always be compassionate with yourself. You are a human being, and you will have ups and downs.

Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how you feel and adjust your macros if needed. Everyone’s body is different, and you will need to tweak your ratios to find what works best for you. DON’T just blindly follow the advice of some braindead Instagram/TikTok “FItfluencer”.

If you feel low on energy or are constantly hungry, it might be time to adjust your macro distribution.

Contrary to popular belief you can lose weight without feeling horrendous or hangry all the time.

Last Thoughts on the Subject

Trusting the science of macros doesn’t mean you have to be rigidly obsessive about your eating. It’s about understanding how these nutrients work together to support your health and weight loss goals. Focusing on a balanced intake of carbs, proteins, and fats can make it much easier to create a sustainable and enjoyable eating plan that fuels your body and helps you achieve that aesthetically pleasing physique you’ve been dreaming of.

So, the next time you’re contemplating the latest diet trend or feeling overwhelmed by confusing or conflicting advice from planks on TikTok or Instagram, remember the basics: carbs for energy, protein for muscle and satiety, and fats for hormone health.

Weight loss doesn’t have to be a mystery — it can be a well-balanced, delicious, and scientifically supported journey. Trust in the science of macros, listen to your body and watch as you progress towards a healthier, happier version of yourself.

Thank you for reading. Let me know what you think, or let me have it in the comments if you want; it’s up to you.

And in case you weren’t aware, I am a weight loss coach. If you need help with losing weight or just want to chat, drop me an email (you can find it on my profile in my bio). I would love to hear from you.

Peace be da journey!

  • Taron
Come find me on Instagram




I am guy who loves to write about Health, wealth, and everything in between. Also, I’m never in the same room as Batman…make of that what you will.