Trust in Your Weight Loss Journey

11 min readJun 6, 2024


Setting off on a weight loss journey can be a somewhat complex and challenging experience. While setting goals and creating a plan are definitely necessary steps, cultivating trust in yourself and trusting the information guiding you is crucial for long-term success.

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Trust isn’t just about believing in the end result; it’s about having confidence in your daily actions and decisions. It’s not just about having faith in the process either; it’s about believing in the knowledge and strategies that underpin your efforts, and it can turn your journey from a struggle into a fulfilling experience.

Understanding the Importance of Trust

Trusting your weight loss journey means having faith in your ability to achieve your goals, your plan, and the process itself. This trust will reduce inevitable anxieties that arise and help you stay committed, especially when the results aren’t immediate. It’s about believing that the small, consistent steps you take will lead to meaningful progress over time.

Building Self-Trust Through Evidence-Based Practices

Trusting yourself is crucial for long-term success. This involves believing in your ability to make informed decisions and stick to your goals. One way to build self-trust is through evidence-based practices that provide tangible results and feedback.

The Importance of Trusting Information

In an age of rampant misinformation, trusting the information you rely on for weight loss is essential. This means seeking out evidence-based advice and verifying the credibility of your sources. Trusting accurate, scientifically backed information can provide a solid foundation for your efforts, reducing uncertainty and enhancing your commitment.

It can be a little bit of a ball-ache at times. Sometimes, I just want to read some information and go, but with ChatGPT out there, I have to make sure to check the source of the information is reliable. So lately, I’ve just been sticking to sources that I trust and relying far less on newer sources of information.

So, on that note, my next piece of advice would be to seek out evidence-based resources. The easiest way to do this is to begin by ensuring that the information you use comes from reputable sources. These could include scientific studies, expert opinions, and guidelines from recognised health organisations. Evidence-based resources help establish a reliable foundation, enabling you to trust the process and your decisions.

Always research and verify information before adopting any new diet or exercise regimen. Take the time to research the information’s origins and scientific backing. Find peer-reviewed studies and consult reputable health and wellness websites, medical journals, and professional organisations.

Another absolutely invaluable resource at your disposal is actual human beings. Nothing is stopping you from consulting experts in the field. You can seek guidance from certified nutritionists, dietitians, and fitness trainers. Their expertise can help you navigate conflicting information and create plans tailored to your needs.

At the end of the day, continuous learning is what’s important. Stay updated with the latest research in health and fitness. Subscribing to credible health journals or following reputable experts on social media can keep you informed and confident in your choices.

And please notice that I said “REPUTABLE EXPERTS” on social media, not just the most followed, most viewed, loudest, best looking, best dressed, fancy shade-wearing “Fit-fluencer” you can find.

And without doubt, avoid fad diets and quick-fix solutions that lack scientific support. This feels like a no-brainer, but clearly, it does still need to be said.

Embrace the Role of Technology

Leveraging technology can enhance trust by providing personalised insights. Technological tools often use data-driven insights to assist you in making informed decisions and track your progress effectively. Apps and devices that track your progress, provide feedback, and offer personalised advice can enhance your trust in the process.

  • Fitness Apps: Use apps that offer personalised workout plans, nutrition tracking, and progress monitoring. These tools provide real-time feedback and adjustments based on your performance. I use a combination of two apps — FatSecret and MacrosFirst
  • Wearable Devices: Invest in wearable fitness trackers that monitor various health metrics such as heart rate, sleep patterns, and activity levels. These devices offer valuable insights and help you stay informed about your health. Just be aware that some are grossly inaccurate, and none are perfect. I use a Fitbit because it was a gift, but I believe the Apple Watch is a great option. Whatever you use will be fine if you make yourself aware of its limitations and flaws.
  • Online Resources: Utilise reputable online platforms that offer evidence-based information and resources. Websites like PubMed, Healthline, and government health sites can be excellent sources of reliable information.

Educate Yourself Continuously

This depends on your goals and level of interest in the subject of fat loss. Building a solid understanding of nutrition, exercise, and behavioural science can empower you to make informed choices.

Continuous education helps you stay updated with the latest research and trends, reinforcing your trust in the strategies you employ, but if you’re just trying to lose a few pounds here and there, it will be overkill.

I like to kill over things much! It’s also my field of interest and expertise, so it’s for very good reason that I tend to do lots and lots of reading on the subject.

You could also take online courses or attend workshops on nutrition and fitness…if that’s your thing. It’s mine. I obviously don’t expect everyone to do this. Many of these workshops are soooo boring. But like I say, if it’s your thing, go wild.

But what I absolutely do highly endorse, even for the casual weight loss tourist, is reading books and articles by reputable authors and researchers in the health and wellness field and joining online forums and communities where evidence-based discussions occur.

100% DO NOT get your health information from random TikTokers! And definitely DO NOT take advice from your favourite Instagram “Fitfluencer”! They all have a vested interest in attracting your eyeballs before they have any kind of allegiance to providing you with credible, quality information. I could rant about this all day…I won’t, but I could.

Foster a Growth Mindset

Adopting a growth mindset is one of the best things you can do for your life in general, not just weight loss. This means viewing challenges and setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth. This perspective can(and probably will) significantly enhance your trust in the process and your ability to succeed.

It is often easier said than done, but aim to embrace challenges and view them as opportunities to improve. Celebrate small victories and progress, no matter how minor they seem. They are all steps towards the lifestyle that you want and the body of your dreams. And in order to achieve that dream physique, you will need to stay resilient and persistent, understanding that setbacks are a natural part of the journey.

Trust in Personal Experience and Adaptation

While scientific information is crucial, personal experience also plays a significant role in cultivating trust. Everyone’s body responds differently to various strategies, and understanding your unique needs is vital. What works for Brent in accounting may not work for Karen in HR, so trusting in a personalised approach to your weight loss can lead to more effective and reliably sustainable results.

There are many ways to do this, but they mostly fall under the following 3 strategies, which can be implemented alone or all together:

  • Custom Plans: Develop a weight loss plan tailored to your specific needs, preferences, and lifestyle. This can include personalised meal plans, workout routines, and wellness practices. (I teach you how to do this for yourself…just saying)
  • Listen to Your Body: Pay close attention to how your body responds to different foods, exercises, and routines. Adjust your plan based on these responses to ensure it aligns with your body’s needs.
  • Professional Guidance: Work with health professionals to create and adjust a personalised plan. Their expertise can help you identify what works best for you and provide ongoing support. (I also offer support and accountability, if that’s what you need or are looking for…just saying)

Experiment and Reflect

Experiment with different approaches to find what works best for you. Just like in the bedroom…oh, no, that’s an entirely different blog post.

Reflect on your experiences and adapt your strategies accordingly. This process helps you build trust in your ability to navigate the journey effectively.

I also find that some people might benefit from keeping a journal to track their progress, noting what works and what doesn’t. This makes it much easier to reflect on your experiences and make adjustments based on what you learn.

But most of all, be patient and give yourself time to discover the most effective methods for your body. This is not a sprint — it’s a multi-month “Super-Decathlon-Iron-Man-Marathon.” Okay, so that’s maybe a little exaggerative. Let’s just say that it’s not going to be an overnight transformation that will leave your co-workers flabbergasted. It’s going to take time, and it’s going to require patience and self-compassion.

Your mind is going to be a hugely important factor in losing weight. So, being patient and compassionate with yourself will go a long way to keeping your mind in the game and not making it an obstacle in your path that you’ll have to overcome to create the body and healthy lifestyle you want. This leads nicely into the next point of discussion -

Embracing the Power of Mind-Body Connection

Understanding and trusting your mind-body connection can enhance your weight loss. Recognising how mental states affect physical health and vice versa can lead to more sustainable practices.

  • Mindful Eating: Practise mindfulness during meals by paying attention to hunger cues, savouring each bite, and eating without distractions. This helps you develop a trusting relationship with your body’s signals.
  • Stress Management: Incorporate stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation, or deep-breathing exercises. Managing stress positively impacts mental and physical health, supporting weight loss efforts.
  • Body Awareness: Engage in activities that promote body awareness, such as Tai Chi or dance. These practices help you connect with and trust your body’s capabilities and limitations. I love Tai Chi. It is like a beautiful form of moving “meditation” and flowing movement that grounds and centres me more than anything else I’ve tried. And yes, I know it’s an Eastern martial art. I studied it while living and training in China, but that’s a story for another day…

Create a Reliable Support System

A supportive network can significantly enhance trust in your weight loss journey. Surrounding yourself with positive influences and credible advice creates an environment conducive to success. Engage with a community of like-minded individuals who share similar goals. Social support can provide motivation, encouragement, and accountability, which are crucial for building trust.

You could join and participate in weight loss support groups in person or online. Participating in group activities and challenges that promote healthy behaviours and sharing experiences and advice with others on a similar journey builds a sense of community and mutual trust.

Invaluable assets when trying to lose weight are accountability partners, so find friends or family members who share your health goals and can offer support and encouragement. Having someone to check in with regularly can keep you motivated and accountable. Just a friendly reminder that I provide this as a service if you are looking for someone outside of your friendship/family circle.

Regularly consult with health professionals who can provide reliable advice and professional support. Their expertise can guide you through challenges and ensure you’re on the right track.

Optimise Your Physical Environment

Designing your environment to support your weight loss goals is one of those things you can do that might seem insignificant, but the truth is small changes in your surroundings can have a hugely significant impact on your behaviour and mindset.

You could organise your kitchen to make healthy choices more accessible, create a dedicated workout space that motivates you to exercise regularly, and remove temptations from your immediate environment and replace them with healthier alternatives. All of these will change up your lifestyle and routines. Small changes can have massively lasting effects. Don’t discount them.

This leads very neatly into another area: habits.

Embrace the Science of Habit Formation

Understanding how habits form can be a game-changer for weight loss. First, I wholeheartedly recommend reading James Clear’s book Atomic Habits. It is the quintessential resource for anyone looking to change or build new habits.

The process of habit formation involves creating cues, routines, and rewards that reinforce positive behaviours. Focus on small, manageable changes. Starting small will help you build a solid foundation of trust in your ability to maintain these habits over time.

  • Identify cues that trigger healthy behaviours, like placing a water bottle nearby to help you stay hydrated.
  • Establish consistent routines, such as a morning walk or preparing healthy meals in advance.
  • Reward yourself for sticking to these habits with non-food-related treats, like a relaxing bath or a new book. I am a comic book dork with a little Spider-Man obsession, so I often use reading a new comic as a reward.

Integrate the Principles of Kaizen

Then there’s Kaizen, a Japanese philosophy of continuous improvement that emphasises small, incremental changes. This approach is very similar to the “Habit Formation” idea mentioned above, but it is slightly more nuanced as a philosophy. If you would like to know more about it…Google it.

Focusing on meaningful, manageable steps rather than overwhelming, “all-or-nothing” transformations can help you build trust in your weight loss journey.

  • Set easily achievable micro-goals, like walking for 10 minutes each day.
  • Regularly review and adjust your goals based on your progress and experiences.
  • Celebrate incremental improvements and use them as motivation to continue moving forward.

Explore Biohacking Techniques

LOL! No. In case you weren’t aware, I don’t think very highly of “BioHackers” at all. Their ideas and practises generally have little to no significant impact and are often not backed by any more “science” than — “This made sense in my mushroom-fueled fugue state, so it must be true!”

Last Thoughts on the Subject

At the end of the day, cultivating trust in your weight loss journey offers numerous long-term benefits. It involves more than just believing in the end result; it requires confidence in the information guiding you and your ability to implement it effectively.

By seeking out evidence-based resources, leveraging technology and integrating technological tools, continuously educating yourself, trusting your personal experiences, fostering a growth mindset, and building a supportive environment, you can create a robust foundation of trust.

This trust will empower you to navigate your weight loss journey with confidence, resilience, and sustained success. Believe in the process, trust yourself, and watch as you achieve your goals and transform your life.

What specific strategies have you found most effective in maintaining trust in your weight loss journey?

Thank you for reading. Let me know what you think, or let me have it in the comments if you want; it’s up to you.

Otherwise, if you want to work with me, feel free to email me. My email is in my bio.

Peace be da journey!

  • Taron
Come find me on Instagram




I am guy who loves to write about Health, wealth, and everything in between. Also, I’m never in the same room as Batman…make of that what you will.