Using the Power of Positive Affirmations to Lose Weight

5 min readJun 13, 2024


For the longest time, I had no interest in this topic. I didn’t believe it worked, and I had literally no time for anyone who did. The audacity of the humans who honestly believed that telling themselves they were stronger would actually make them stronger. I understand if you’re feeling sceptical right now. I was in your shoes once. Let me explain…

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Positive affirmations are simple yet powerful statements you repeat to yourself, often daily, to cultivate a positive mindset and reinforce beneficial beliefs. Think of them as inspiring little pep talks you give yourself to boost your confidence and motivation.

These affirmations can be about any aspect of your life, from self-worth and success to health and wellness. They work by challenging and overcoming negative thoughts and self-sabotaging behaviours. By consistently practising positive affirmations, you can reprogram your subconscious mind. This process involves replacing negative or limiting beliefs with positive, empowering ones. Over time, these new beliefs are positively ingrained in your subconscious, influencing your thoughts, feelings, and actions. This will lead to improved mental and emotional well-being. And who doesn’t want improved mental and emotional well-being?


So, why are positive affirmations so effective? It’s all about the power of belief. The concept behind positive affirmations is rooted in the psychological principle of self-fulfilling prophecy, a well-established theory in social psychology. Numerous studies have shown that when you genuinely believe something about yourself, you’re more likely to act in ways that confirm those beliefs.

And this is what I meant about being proven wrong. I completely discounted the idea of you confirming your affirmations by taking consistent action because of the affirmations. Not the affirmations themselves having some kind of supernatural effect. In other words, if you tell yourself you’re stronger every day, and you actually lift weights every day, chances are you’ll actually get stronger.

If you tell yourself daily that you are strong and capable, you’ll start approaching challenges with more confidence, determination, and perseverance.

On the flip side, negative self-talk can reinforce limiting beliefs and trap you in a cycle of self-doubt and underachievement. It can be the difference between seeing the numbers on the scale go down, stay the same, or go up. Negative self-talk is incredibly damaging. I struggled with it for years. You might struggle with it, too, without even realising it. It’s important to remember that using positive affirmations is not a magic solution. It requires consistent practice and a commitment to change your thought patterns. You may encounter resistance or find it challenging to believe in your affirmations at first, but with time and persistence, you can overcome these obstacles.

But here’s the good news: you have the power to change that narrative.

The Context

So, let’s talk about how this ties into weight loss. Positive affirmations can be an excellent mindset tool. Losing weight often involves not just physical changes but also significant mental and emotional shifts. Many people struggle with negative self-perception, guilt, and a lack of motivation, which can massively derail their progress. Incorporating positive affirmations into your weight loss process can help you build a mindset that supports and sustains your physical efforts.

As cringe as it may feel at first, imagine starting your day with affirmations like, “I am committed to my health and well-being,” “I make healthy choices effortlessly,” or “I am proud of my progress and celebrate my achievements.” These statements can help reinforce a positive self-image and keep your motivation high. They serve as little motivational reminders of your goals and the value of your efforts, making it easier to stay focused on your goals when challenges arise.

Here are a few more examples of affirmations specifically for weight loss: ‘I am getting closer to my ideal weight every day,’ ‘I enjoy nourishing my body with healthy food,’ or ‘I am becoming more active and fit with each workout.’

Aesthetics — Overall Well-Being

Positive affirmations can also help shift your focus from purely aesthetic goals to overall well-being and self-care. That’s not to say that there’s anything wrong with having aesthetic goals; whatever your reasons for wanting to lose weight, as long as they serve you, that’s great.

The argument for shifting from aesthetics to overall well-being is mostly for sustainable weight loss, as it encourages a holistic approach that prioritises long-term health over quick fixes and short-term results. A positive and supportive internal dialogue can create a foundation for much longer-lasting change and a healthier relationship with food and your body.

Last Thoughts on the Subject

As I said at the beginning of this post, I initially had no interest in this topic, but after a couple of years of experimenting with different affirmations, I can honestly say that I have noticed a difference. They help me maintain my focus and consistency, and they have helped me significantly reduce my negative self-talk immensely.

These affirmations have become more than just words for me. They’re tools that empower me to nurture my fitness goals, financial goals, and general future life goals. They’ve become an integral part of my daily routine, preparing my mind for life’s challenges and guiding me towards the future I choose. They can do the same for you, empowering you to take control of your life.

Positive affirmations are not just words; they’re powerful tools that can transform your approach to weight loss. They can reshape your mindset, combat negative thoughts, and strengthen your commitment to health and well-being. Integrating positive affirmations into your daily routine will build a mental and emotional foundation that supports sustainable weight loss and fosters a positive, empowered self-image. This is a practice of hope and optimism.

So go ahead, give yourself those daily pep talks, and watch how they change your world!

Thank you for reading. Let me know what you think, or let me have it in the comments if you want; it’s up to you.

Otherwise, if you want to work with me, feel free to email me. My email is in my bio.

Peace be da journey!

  • Taron
Come find me on Instagram




I am guy who loves to write about Health, wealth, and everything in between. Also, I’m never in the same room as Batman…make of that what you will.